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Templo de la Luna Cusco, Peru


Exquisitely connected to or inspired by the celestial or atmospheric realm, possessing a delightful and ethereal quality.

Sky Gerlowski

Hailing from New Zealand with Irish and Māori ancestry Sky Gerlowski initially gained formal education in the fields of justice, business, marketing, and education from both Australian and New Zealand universities. With interests in energetic modalities, languages, and the universe at large she continues to learn and develop her skillsets, including her recent attainment of a counselling qualification.

Sky's lifelong commitment to personal development, makes her an advocate for the universal pursuit of this individual process to collectively heal and uplift humanity as a whole. Grounded in the principle of interconnectedness, Sky champions mindful community engagement and fostering awareness of the limitless potential of each of our individual choices and actions.

Her passion for nurturing a conscious world is evident in her diverse pursuits, including her role as an esteemed children's educator, a spiritual business strategist, and counsellor. Sky's work is enriched by her ongoing travels, faith, and spiritual perspective. She channels her boundless energy into facilitating the purposeful endeavors of those spreading light and brightening the future of our world.

Blessed with pure love and light, purified source energy, and everything for your highest good.


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Cusco, Peru

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Utila, Honduras

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Pisac, Peru

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Cristo Blanco,


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Utila, Honduras

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Puerto Vallarta,


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Templo de la Luna Cusco, Peru


Sky is a very creative energy that attracts people to her. Sky is always gathering interesting people around her, hosting events, exploring the surroundings and guiding us to fun places. She is one of the most interesting and creative people I know and am so grateful to have been involved in her Mastermind group, as well as receive her private business consultation. I’m so appreciative that Sky was willing to work with me, on my dreams. She’s the Wind beneath my Wings Much Love , Lisa

Lisa Archibald, Canada

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I am so actually amazed to think back and realised how much of my dreams and goals are manifesting all the time… your mastermind helped me so much to move towards a better version of me and my goals. Each session helped to get clarity, accountability and move one step at a time forward towards my objectives. Highly appreciate the impact of this mastermind journey in my life!

Marlen Ulrika Elisabet Kakkori , Estonia

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Sky has helped me to grow several businesses from the inception to the growth, I have found her mentorship and experience to be invaluable. I would highly recommend Sky to anyone who is looking to establish their own business, or if they are embarking on their own personal growth journey.

Aliesha, New Zealand

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Man Relaxing in Hammock
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Playa Camarones,

Puerto Vallarta, MX

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